Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Princess Hider

Groggy eyed, coffe ready me lugged the giant laundry bag from our bedroom to the laundry room while I waited for the liquid energy to finish dropping its last.  I began the separating, repeating the assigned categories under my breath as I dropped each article in its respective pile. 

Darks.  Lights.  Whites.  Delicates.

I was on autodrive.  Mechanically moving through the tasks that must be done so that, by the end of the day, they may be effectively undone again.  And then there she was...

Princess Aurora hiding amidst the lights.  Her and a little white bow that belongs in the hair of another blonde headed Princess.  The laughter is what did it...jerked me out of auto pilot and pushed me to ask my King to direct this day.  Because there's a rapidly growing, Princess hider in my care. 

It was just a sweet moment during which God reminded me that this job that feels so endlessly unproductive is the one I've been asking Him for since I was sixteen.  This Tuesday I'm going to remember to thank Him for giving me exactly what I asked for.

tuesdays unwrapped at cats


  1. Love.this.post. I'm so glad I saw it over at Emily's. It cracks me up the things kids hide. My youngest is really, really good at hiding things in pockets and in her bed.
    I was actually thinking about you the other day (we met at She Speaks, in case you don't remember)...wondering how your writing's going.
    Hope you have a great day with your little princess.


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