Sunday, January 17, 2010


  1. Was it a sad day for anyone else when you realized that it was no longer appropriate to rock those seriously cute clothes in the junior section of Target?  Or wear a two piece - from any section of Target?
  2. When you receive those small windows of opportunities to talk with people - like in the line at Target [we spend a lot of time there, obviously], how do you find the right words to tell them about Jesus?  I was intensely aware that I had approximately 2 minutes to converse with the woman in front of me - ever - and I couldn't find the words.  I genuinely want your opinion about this.
  3. When your baby is awake from 3 to 5 a.m., do you think about drapery while waiting for her to wear herself out?  Because evidently I do.
  4. Are you ever in the middle of doing something that you really enjoy when you are hit with weighty and tragic news that makes you feel like your fun thing is ridiculous?  That happened to me yesterday when I was looking for flowers in Michael's.  Adelle and I were strolling around having a big time when Josh called and let me know that the death count in Haiti was up to 100,000 and that some of our good friends had a medical scare.  I just stood there.  In the middle of one of those flower aisles.  Thinking 3 things to myself:  My heart aches to be there for our friends and The earth groans for its Savior and 100,000 people who may or may not have known Jesus are dead and I'm looking for fake flowers.  There's something really ridiculous about that.  So I stood there looking at those fake, red gerbera daisies praying that God would have mercy on the wounded and the hurting and most importantly, the lost and that He would make the health scare just that - a scare.
  5. And to close it out on a much lighter note - I semi-secretly love really gaudy things.  Really.  If it was socially acceptable, I would wear a large hat with giant costume jewelry every day.  No question with this one.  Just something to let you know you are not alone if you have quirky semi-secrets.  
  Keep on keepin' it down and dirty.  Love ya'll like crazy!


  1. I sort of wish you would wear big hats and costume jewelry every day, but only if you would post a daily pic of you and your gaudy glory!
    I hear you on the ridiculous fun in the face of tragedy. Though I'm more of the, 'sometimes (a lot of times) I just want to do nothing' mode-then I realize how ridiculous it is to be lazy when I have EVERY reason (and the ability) to get up and get one with it. Oh, and some of the stuff in the Jr. section is acceptable-and cheaper-than the other section. :)

  2. It's pretty much socially acceptable to wear big hats and gaudy costume jewelry in New Orleans anytime. Make sure to pack it in your bag next time you come to visit:)

    Ah, yes, the junior section. I agree with Katy...there are still some acceptable items here and at Forever 21 (i'm cheap, don't judge). I just send Harrison off with Adam when I go in so people don't think I'm an unwed teenage mother, like the pharmacist at Rite Aid who carded me for prenatal vitamins.

    I too am hunting for a hot mama one piece (do these exist?)

    I am often hit with the thought that what I am doing is not kingdom building. I'm not so great at being less-selfish (because sometime "i just need a starbucks, a new shirt, whatever") but my prayer is that those "ridiculous fun" moments aren't lost. That God uses them to ever-so-slowly change my thinking and doing into thoughts and activities that encourage others and show His love.

    I'm with ya friend. And I usually think about rearranging our funiture, oh, five times a day:)

  3. 1) I have the same problem with the Juniors section.
    2) There's a story in Orange, TX called A Little Bit Gaudy. The sign for it has a picture of the owner posed with leopard print on. I think you should come visit and we should go there.
    3) will change your swimsuit life forever.
    4) How do we find the way to talk with people about Jesus in such a short time? Can't answer that one, but I heard about this man at our church who recently passed away. He would start talking with people and then say, "I really have to tell you something. I am completely devoted to Christ and everything He stands for." Those might not be his exact words, but that's the gist. I was pretty amazed and convicted. I also think about this when we are eating out and I can talk to the waiter/waitress about Jesus. But I never do...maybe someday.
    5) Tonight at the gym, I was wolfing down water while watching people in Haiti fight over it. It made me sad and thankful at the same time. It also made me acutely aware that I could be in that situation someday.

    Good post! I love you, friend!

  4. 1. I don't even like the way most of the Junior section clothes look on me. So i don't feel your pain there. Of course I am shopping at the Alexandria Target... slim pickings.

    2. You should live in the South. That's all I have to say about that.

    3. old navy always has really cute one pieces!

    4. One time I was in Books a million and I was listening to someone witness to someone, but they were not witnessing the truth. I hesitated on walking over and jumping in the conversation, and by the time I did... they left. I'll never forget it. I left very upset. Satan makes us afraid, timid, and shy.
    "For I did not give you a spirit of fear or timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self discipline. " 2 Tim. 1:7

    5. 100,000 just made me sick to my stomach. I didn't know it had reached that much.


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