Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Exiting the Whirlwind

After a morning of leaving the half folded basket of clothes to refill the juice cup of Miss Magnificent - to find that I needed to refill the ice trays with pureed veggies for Miss Magnificent - to remember that I needed to return an email from a long time ago - to hear the dryer stop drying and dart in to switch loads again - to haul out the vacuum cleaner - to nurse the boo boo of a wounded Miss Magnificent sprawling at my feet - to finish the returning of the email while Miss Magnificent sat on my lap - to reading my sister's latest post - to acknowledging the adoption bug's nibbles on my heart - to realizing that an hour of undivided attention is such a small, but important gift to give Miss Magnificent - to exiting the whirlwind, throwing on swimsuits, slapping on sunscreen, and strolling over to the pool - to watch the smiles of my almost one year old little girl as she reveled in an hour of her Mama's undivided attention.

The laundry is not done.  The floors are not cleaned.  The bathrooms - they are unspeakable.  But that hour was the most well spent one of my day.

tuesdays unwrapped at cats

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful. It's true. I love the times when I stop and play...and I think my boys do too.


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