Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Flippin' Independence Day.

edit::Pahahaha!  I just re-read this post with the mind of a woman who is not desperate to make sure her child stays asleep, which by the way she did not.  We hung out until 3 am looking at and - and then she was no longer consolable by movies or play time or Mama kisses.  So, she screamed herself to sleep.  Fun was had by all.  Please forgive me for ranting like a crazy woman.  It WAS what I was feeling at the time, so I'll just leave it for your enjoyment :)

Me:  "You have got to be freaking kidding me."

The Hunk [running in from the computer nook]:  "What?!  What's wrong?!"

Me:  "They are popping those loud freaking fireworks in this empty lot right behind us!"

The Hunk ['s what he does]:  "Yeah. I kinda figured."

Me:  "Idiots.  Flippin' idiots."

People who live within city limits have zero regard for whom they may be disturbing while having their big fun time popping their big loud fireworks.  While this may have only annoyed me before the arrival of my child, who has a fever, and is now awake at 9:35 pm because of the idiots' loud fun having shenanigans - it's currently got me flippin' mad.

I'm seriously considering calling the PoPo on their inconsiderate little hineys.  And I don't even care if they think I'm a total witchy-poo for doing so.

1 comment:

  1. Um, so our first New Year's Eve in New Orleans with Harrison we find out that a huge, riotous bonfire is to be lit in the Neutral Ground behind our house. Thus ensues a monstrous, drunken, firework-popping mob. Seriously, it sounded like a war-zone for about 3 hours. My comments may or may not have sounded like yours...I'll let you decide:)


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