Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Summer Shower

Photo by Angy Fotografie

The beach was wonderfully refreshing and teasingly brief.  Like a summer shower that you have spent the day searching the sky for - looking forward to the drip droplets that will tickle the earth and cool the air.  A momentary respite from the energy sucking heat. 

And then it comes and is every bit as glorious as you thought it would be - all heavy with rain scent and trickling refreshment and calming pitter patter.  One moment - maybe two - and nature takes one last, deep gulp from the clouds and sends them on there way with a smack of the lips and a loud, satisfied "Ahhhh..." 

The sun returns to heat it all up again - sometimes to a hotter heat than before the drenching invigoration - and it's tempting to let the misery of the hotter heat outweigh the brief splendor of the drenching invigoration.

But not me.  I will choose to let the cool, rejuvenating - alebeit fleeting - togetherness of family be a separate entity - so that it stands alone, lovely and revitalizing, apart from the increasing pressure-heat of my life right now. 

And I will look to my Soul Soaker for necessary, intermittent cool offs amidst this draining hotness.

tuesdays unwrapped at cats


  1. Love this. Makes me long for a rainstorm. So glad you linked up!

  2. the sun has been beating the earth this year and the rains have really drenched it. love the picture.

    please stop by and link up.

  3. Wow... this is a beautiful post! Soul Soaker... ahh the refreshing that comes only from HIM! :)


  4. Beautiful! I felt like I was right there in the pic! Breathtaking.



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