Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Choosing the Trump Card

We needed a day out of these 900 square feet. 

While I was at the conference that I am still chewing on, The Hunk was being mowed over by the stomach virus.  He was also in charge of caring for Miss Magnificent.  Poor guy. 

Needless to say, my girl needed some time outside of these walls.  So, I plowed through Belle the dog's poop rolling antics, the worst, smelliest, most gag-worthy diaper I have EVER changed, the bath that ensued as a result of the disgusting diaper, the toddler's refusal to eat her sandwich bites, the random man invasion of my home to test our fire alarms which resulted in a nervous breakdown of Belle the dog who has been touching me in some way since then, Miss M's removal of her bow over and over again and then her decision to be hungry just before we walked out the door, and finally a spontaneous Skype session with the Nana and the Auntie, only to find that the battery in our van is dead. 

And The Hunk will not be home until 9:30 pm.  This means that we are prisoners of our own home unless we feel excited about bathing in the one hundred degree humidity. 

Pre-these escapades, I had a great Tuesday's Unwrapped post rolling around in my mind.  I even took pictures.  Post-these escapades the rolling had stopped.  Mostly I just felt cranky and annoyed at no one in particular [even though I tried to find a way to be cranky and annoyed at The Hunk which is unbelievably cool of me].  But sometimes I decide to let go and function outside of my fallen self. 

Miss Magnificent and I enjoyed some pillow flopping time on my bed followed by some book reading snuggle time after which she went down for a nap without a peep of protest.  It was absolutely glorious. 

And then I realized that my original Tuesday's Unwrapped post was actually pretty perfect for today...

It's a little strange to arrive home from a weekend of walking around amongst tall people and participating in actual, intellectual conversations that involve words you forgot you knew.  Because at home there is only this...

...and this...

...and this...

It's so easy to feel more like a slave than a woman who has real things to say.  [P.S.  I'm learning the slavery is more valuable than I originally thought.  More about that tomorrow.]

But in the middle of the laundry doing or the toy dodging or the crankiness, there's this smile...

...and these little whispies...

...and this sweet precious face to gaze upon every second of every day...

Turns out, snuggle time on Mama's bed TOTALLY trumps an afternoon out or the intelligent conversation, if I choose to let it.

tuesdays unwrapped at cats


  1. she is too cute!!! love that lil smile!

  2. Snuggle time makes even the worst days better! Can't wait to hear all about the conference.

  3. What a cutie pie! Sometimes the best times are snuggle times!

  4. I am sorry about your day! Your daughter is sooo cute though.


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