Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fall Feels...

It's finally Fall in Florida!  Well, at least for this weekend.  And WE. ARE. LOVING. it!  In honor of this momentous weekend and because it's been a while since we've had a fun, no good reason post....

Fall Feels...

  • Frisky.  Not in a shady, TMI way [well a little in that way but that's not what I'm trying to convey to you] but more in a tall boot wearing, fluffy hair doing, windows down traveling, Miranda Lambert listening, good time having kinda way.
  • Like The Hunk's and my relationship is new all over again...thus the friskiness that will not be discussed in depth here. I attribute this to the fact that the hand holding, gushy feelings started in the Fall.  11 years ago.  CA-razy!  
  • Hopeful.  I'm not really sure what that's about - and I actually think I feel this way anytime the weather changes.  Because it indicates a new beginning, a change in seasons can have so many meanings you know?  
  • Like there should be a Starbucks set up in my kitchen...or at least next door.  I actually indicated this to The Hunk last night as we were drifting off to sleep after far too much Prison Break.  I secretly hoped that since it was my day to sleep in [sweet husband that he is] I would wake up to a steaming Egg Nog Latte on my bedside table.  This was not my purpose in telling him about the Starbucks dream, of course, but a girl can always dream, right?  And only a dream it was.  Instead I woke up to a kitchen that was is still dirty after last night's dinner and same ole', same ole' Folgers.  That I made after I rolled out of bed.  To his credit, I did not do so until 10 a.m.  And sleeping 'til 10 a.m., well that counts for something!
  • Like Nachitoches is calling.  A shopping day with the women of my family.  It's beckoning.  Beckon away, dear Nachitoches, I know not when we will be reunited.
K your turn!  One of these days I'm going to figure out how to do one of those linky things.  Until your own post and leave the link in the comments section OR just leave a comment and complete this sentenece:

Fall Feels...


  1. Fall feels homey. I love when it's time pull out the blankets because you're cold and sit on the couch and watch TV...with a pumpkin spice candle burning. Fall also feels like time to make soup.

  2. 1. makes me feel like drinking something hot. I’m not a coffee drinker but when there is a chill in the air, I wish I was. So I settle for hot cocoa or hot tea. beautiful with the changing of leaf colors on the trees. full of fun festivals such as the Big Pig Jig!

    4.crisp! I feel like the wind and air in the morning is especially crispy!

    5.a time to make soup. My favorite is vegetable but split pea soup is a close runner!

  3. ...crunching leaves that have fallen, raking and burning leaves, memories of falling in love @ LaTech with your daddy, listening to his Little River Band Album, birthdays!, my mama and nana, their favorite season, Thanksgiving and family!

  4. Fall Feels:
    1. LSU Football watching, gumbo eating, beer drinking good time.

    2. I too feel frisky and sexy in the fall... must be a Purvis thing.

    3. Stonewall days

    4. Starting up the car so it's extra warm and crispy when I leave for work, and also starting up the bathroom heater 10 minutes before my morning shower.

    5. Boiling over with love for the hub a lub because he LOVES the outdoors and the cold weather, so therefore he is in a super good mood pretty much every day.

    6. Years of thanksgiving memories

    7. Pulling out all my Needtobreathe music.

    8. Mama's spice tea in the blue speckled mugs.


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