Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Random Thoughts on a Sunny Day

This is a compilation of actual thoughts I've had throughout this rather warm, sunny day.  They are in no certain order and they are as close to verbatim as could get them, what with my crazy mama brain and all.  Enjoy my crazies.

Why in the HECK doesn't Starbuck's deliver?

Dave Barnes, you are so good...err...musically speaking.  I like you[r] music more every time it comes floatin' across my Needtobreathe Pandora channel.  

What if I was as brave as Rahab the prostitute?  And as full of faith?

New yellow curtains in the dining room, you complement Perfect Taupe like a champ.  Thanks for that.

How long, Oh Lord, must I live with this unfulfilled ache?  How long?

The end.

1 comment:

  1. i too LOVE Dave Barnes and Need to Breathe. Those yellow curtains are really cute!


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