Sunday, November 4, 2012

When a Thing Is from God

I have not touched the adoption topic since I found out I was pregnant with Marilee. I realize that this may appear to be an indicator that we no longer plan to adopt. That is incorrect. Whether or not we adopted never hinged upon whether or not we would be able to have more biological children. We will adopt because God has called us to do so.

Yesterday was Orphan Sunday, and as I watched this video, the awareness that our family is not complete struck me again. This is how I know a thing is from God - when it makes no sense; when it is the LEAST convenient and/or do-able thing I can imagine in my life right now, but I am still inexplicably, undeniably attached to it, absorbed in it, swept away by it. Then I know that it really and truly is a thing that is holy and divine. It is a thing that beckons me to obedience.

So, yes - we are still adopting...most likely from Honduras, which currently has a 2 to 4 year wait period. We are hoping to start the paper work in January!  We ask you for your prayers as we nail down a country and begin preparing for another addition to our family - whenever God so chooses.

What is beckoning you to obedience today?

1 comment:

  1. As your grandmother I am so blessed that you and Josh always put Gods will ahead of everything. You are in my prayers in this adoption process. I love you. Gran


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