Monday, July 1, 2013

That one time I decided not to compare my relationship with Jesus to Dirty Dancing

So, remember how I read 7? Last Sunday, I started the Bible Study with a very fun, very diverse group of women. The intro of the study already has me digging deeper, preparing to have my heart scrubbed until its raw in some places. I know this is coming because my mind can scarcely rest on anything else. In conjunction with this, I am reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. God is undoing me and teaching me that there is great, immeasurable, life-changing value in the practice of things - in the one foot in front of the other, slow and steady, training of my rebellious mind and spirit.

I used to live like that was the way to know Jesus better. Back stiff, eyes forward staring at the back of the person before me, carrying out my marching orders like a good little soldier. When I was set free from this lifeless view of Jesus following, I shed my heavy boots and lazed beneath a shade tree. I have spent the last several years wandering about, barefoot, hair wild, mind unfocused - chanting my mantra, "It's not about what I do." BUT...

I am beginning to see my relationship with Jesus more like a dance, moving and existing just barely a step behind him - set to the beautiful music of life. But I don't know how to dance - not gracefully and certainly not as one with Him leading me. So, I need to train. I need to sweat and work to nail the move over. and over. and over. again. I need to discipline my body to know his touch, to trust his arms, and to get lost in his eyes. You know, like Dancing with the Stars boot camp!

So, July is going to look different for me. I am seeking hard after Truth and Freedom, and the best way I know to do that for now is to remove the distractions. Funnily enough, my sister is also wrestling and waiting for God to show her what is next in this journey toward simplicity. I'm taking her lead on the social media front and checking out of  Facebook for the next 30 days. If you need me, I'll still be checking email! In the meantime, check back here for pics and fun with the girlies.

P.S. I spent 20 minutes looking for Dirty Dancing clips to use as examples for my dancing analogy. And then I thought better of using Jesus and Dirty Dancing in such close proximity to each other. Now I've got some "Huuuungry eyes," for a little Baby and P.Swayz!

1 comment:

  1. Loving that we are learning to dance together. And laughing so hard at the last paragraph. You are so very good with words and can pretty much write exactly what my wild brain can't put into words. Thank you, Aaron. ;)


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