Monday, June 16, 2014

Eyes that See

Our life has been busy for the past, I don't know, a lot of years. I think I've used that as a crutch to "just get through" to the next season, because surely it will be a little slower. So, I step out of my bed each day into the super-sonic tunnel of to-do lists and ministry opportunities and being who God created me to be. But, as I enter a season of change - a season that will transition us into a whole new way of life, I feel like maybe I've rushed past this one. I have seen faces and moments fly by on each side of the super-sonic tunnel, but I have not had eyes that REALLY see the life that God has given me right now. Today.

Eyes that see. God keeps gently whispering those words into my tired and weary Spirit. I didn't even realize I was tired and weary because I haven't had eyes that see. I haven't stopped to notice. Life is a beautiful, compelling, challenging, changing, valuable work of art with details that will go unnoticed, unappreciated, and unloved if I don't take the time to see them, if I don't ask questions that could possibly alter the way I saw the art to begin with.

Take this picture, for example. What do you see?

At first glance I see the dirty ceiling grates that need to be cleaned, but if I take a moment to consider everything that is represented here, there's so much more. There is the gift and the challenge of tiny feet that fill tiny pink shoes. There is sunlight on the fern that makes my back porch feel softer, cooler - that beckons me stronger to come and sit a while outside of the super-sonic tunnel. There's the wind chimes that I bought with my mom and my sister - just because I loved it. There's the reminder that All Things Grow with Love, right there over those tiny pink shoes. There's a peak into our home where meals are shared and tears are shed and tiny little voices seem sweeter and louder than can sometimes be borne. There's whimsy and freedom and blessing...and dirt.

I originally snapped the picture because I loved the way the sunlight was hitting my fern, but when I stop to look at it more closely, there is so much more to love - and also much to be challenged by.

I have to tell you the truth. This is a bit of an experiment. I don't know exactly how it's going to go down. I don't know what all God is going to teach me through it, but I keep coming back to:
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him...1 Corinthians 2:9 and Isaiah 64:4
Would you join me hear every Monday as we explore what it means to have Eyes that See? I would love to hear what you have to say on the matter!

I challenge you this week to snap a picture of something - anything - that inspires you. Then, take some time to list all the things you notice that you didn't see to begin with. Do it on social media using #eyesthatsee and just list one or two extra things so we can all see. I'll be there all week doing the same!

I'll be back on Wednesday with some Just for Fun goodies.

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