Wednesday, July 16, 2014

WARNING: Sappy Anniversary Post to Follow

To the man who has been my best friend since we were sixteen - the one who makes me laugh harder, live freer, and love deeper than anyone else - Happy Anniversary! It isn't always easy but I am desperately grateful to know that when we took our vows, we meant them. We didn't know what the keeping of them would demand of us - that it would require us to give so much of ourselves - but we never had any intention of figuring it out any other way than together. In each new challenge, in this very season we are in, I see so much Jesus in you. There is more love and grace in your commitment to me and our family than in a thousand well scripted love notes or any number of perfect anniversary weekends away. 

Good thing, because a'int nobody got time for that right now!

Thanks for an incredible nine years, Joshua Wesley, Joshy-poo, and all other manner of bizarre nicknames I assign you. I love you!

It's always been you.

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