Thursday, July 3, 2014

What I'm Loving Right Now

There's a post brewing that I'm just not ready to write yet. For now, though, I've been allowing myself to enjoy some other things. How about a What I'm Loving Right Now post? Here goes:

I have been on the hunt for a handheld, paper planner that will work for me as a mom, an active member of a church plant, and a writer. I don't want everything I do to be spread out all over the place. Enter this planner. Y'all. I feel as though it's worth the $50. Now to save up my pennies...

But seriously. How have I not experienced the wonder of World Market until now? I feel as though I've been deprived all this time. Their lighting, in particular, and the general feel of quirkiness that they rock is making me feel super excited right now. I haven't bought anything yet, but that wood bead chandelier is calling to me! There are some Denver area locations - glory.

I have been eyeing this method of scrapbooking for quite a while. I generally do take a picture a day, and I would love to be able to use all of this cuteness to keep a handheld version of my everyday chronicles. They sell it at Hobby Lobby now so it's more accessible. I've really been wanting to do a better job of keeping up with our little family's life for a long time. Also - saving the pennies for this one.

Truth: I have no idea who Tyler Rodan is but every bag I was drawn to on Macy's site is designed by him. I used to be the queen of purses - as in, I bought them all the time and had a million of them. Now, I have none. I'm not kidding. I have a killer Mommy/Diaper bag that washes easily and holds eight tons of goodies from Thirty-One but I don't have a grown-up, woman purse. I'm pretty sure I've never paid more than $40 for a purse or bag, and I am so hard on them that they are mutilated in a year. At this point, for an item I use almost daily, I feel like $80 - $100 every few years is fair. A tote is my best option because of laptop transportation, notebook carrying, and all the other things I have to fit in my bags. 

This one is making me chew and think and consider. I don't agree with all of her theology, but I sort of love that she makes me think about why. This is one of the things I'm most excited/terrified about in this next season of growth and learning: being forced to decipher which beliefs are mine and which are the hand-me-downs of the faithful saints before me. So far, I have a lot - but not all - in common with said saints. If you are looking for something that makes you a little squirmy in your conservative seat, this is a great option. It's God-honoring, honest, and challenging. 

What about you? What are you loving right now? What are you saving your pennies for or just plain marveling at the ingenuity of?

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