Thursday, June 24, 2010

Do you ever?

Do you ever see life in a series of snapshots?  I'm a mental picture taker.  When a moment stands out.  When it feels important - whether it actually is or not - I take a mental snapshot.  I store it away and pull it out occasionally just to remember when.

Do you just love those moments when your hunk moves close to you in the midst of the most mundane task - doing the dishes or handing you the remote - and you feel hat zap of yumminess that moves through your body and makes your heart beat faster?  And your eyes meet because he felt it, too?  The zap is rare even in the most romantic of situations, but when it happens in the mundane, I can't help but thank God for something so inexplicably spectacular.

Do you every imagine your hunky hunk and your sweet babies are the water raining down all around you, quenching your thirst, cleansing your soul, and soaking you right down to your bones?  Even though they're often the reason you're thirsty, dirty, and dry?  Funny how that works.

Just thinking.  And wondering if your brain works in funny ways like mine does.

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