Monday, February 7, 2011

Don't Judge

I MAY or MAY NOT be crazy on multiple levels.

1.  I never explained Mayhave Mondays.  Mayhave is not a word.  I made it up.  Lots of times when I'm telling something embarassing or ridiculous about myself, I start my story with, "I MAY or MAY NOT..."   Thus, Mayhave.  That's why we've been starting our posts with that very phrase.  Using that phrase to start your post is not necessarily a rule but it IS pretty fun.  The rule is still simply that you share some truth from your life.  That's it.  Mayhave Monday just sounded catchy to me.  And it's my blog so I can make stuff up if I feel like it.

2.  Friday was supposed to start Fun Friend Friday.  But I forgot it was Friday.  I did not forget about Fun Friend Friday...only the day of the week that I was living in.  What is this other alliterative ditty you have going on, you ask?  I thought that perhaps you might get tired of hearing from only me.  It's nice to hear other voices, I say.  I just happen to know a lot of people with different passions and abilities and voices/writing styles!  And they have pledged their loyalty to the Down and Dirty mantra.  Well, maybe not KNOWINGLY - but they sho nuff do a good job of keepin' it real.  They have agreed to write posts for me!  Coming up on Friday is my Fun Friend [how long before you get tired of saying that in your head?], Lauren!  Get excited because she is GREAT on multiple levels!

And now for my real Mayhave post:

I MAY or MAY NOT have been so inspired by the sea of creamy beauty while watching Say Yes to the Dress that I pulled my own wedding dress out of my Hope Chest and managed to zip it up...and watched a full episode while wearing it.  It's possible that did happen.

I MAY or MAY NOT have thought I was going to die while bike riding with The Hunk and Miss Magnificent because I am THAT out of shape.  It's ridiculous, really.

I MAY or MAY NOT get TO-tally swept up in this song every time I hear it.  It's possible that I think it's the sexiest song I've ever heard.  Don't judge.  I MAY also have a crush on Garrett Hedlund.  Maybe.  BUT...for the record...this song makes me think of The Hunk.  Honest.  Every time.

Your turn to link up to YOUR Mayhave Monday post!  Seriously...I'm loving them.  Y'all are so much fun!

Peace out.



  1. I mayhave gone incognito to that church again yesterday! And loved it! But I'm still not ready to commit just yet.

  2. it may or may not have taken me a few weeks to realize what "mayhave monday" meant. i may or may not have thought it was supposed to be "mayhem monday" and thought to myself, well mayhem can come on tuesday, too. haha! thanks for sharing your heart. love it as always. and i love this song you posted.

  3. I mayhave been grumpy with my oldest as she contemplates college FAR FAR away from me!

    I mayhave eaten more chocolates than I wrote down in my Weightwatcher journal. (but they were GUOOUD!)

    I mayhave a hunk in my life that LOVES LOVES LOVES me even when I am unloveable! Thank you Em for keeping it real AND thank you Jesus for sending me Steve. Whoda thunk it!?!

  4. I mayhave done the exact same thing you did while watching Say Yes to the Dress! twice! And suprisingly it fit both times!

  5. Being crazy on multiple levels is the only kind of crazy to be.


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