Monday, March 21, 2011

Mayhave Monday: Soapbox Warning

I MAY or MAY NOT take this time today to stand on a soapbox.  I apologize if I sound preachy.  It is not my intention but I feel that a statement needs to be made so here goes nothin'...

Your church leadership...your pastors...they are men and/or women...only having as much God in them as you do.  They are flawed and imperfect and they WILL make mistakes.  You will not agree with every decision they make.  You cannot.  You are both human.  There is something you must decide, though, when you choose to be a part of a church...Do you trust your pastors?  If you don't, then you really should look for a new church.  And then if you decide that yes, yes you do trust your pastors.  And then they make a decision or allow a decision to be made that feels icky to you.  That SEEMS all wrong, well then you've already decided to trust them - and their commitment to follow God with their whole hearts. 

We all have an opinion.  Heck, I usually have about 15 on every subject.  Sometimes my opinions don't match with those of leadership.  But back when I decided to trust them, I made a decision to humble myself and submit to their leadership.  I'm not saying you should never question...and ask to be helped in the understanding of why they've made the decisions that they have.  Especially when something feels particularly wrong or unbiblical to you.  You should ask.  It's what helps keep them accountable.  I'm pretty sure they're grateful to be held accountable when your concerns are honest and presented in love and humility. 

So before you get all huffy and puffy, examine all parts of the situation.  What it might look like from your leader's standpoint.  What you have seen their hearts to be in the past.  And the tremendous responsibility they walk around with. 

Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. James 3:1

And what God might be trying to teach you through the situation.  And remember that regardless of what we or they do, God's plan prevails!

In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.  Proverbs 16:9

I'm preaching at myself, too, for the record.  God is teaching me a great deal about the weight of leadership and I'm choosing to embrace it...and make every effort to love, respect, and support the heck out of those who lead me spiritually.  Want to try it with me?

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