Friday, May 27, 2011

Fun Friend Friday: Tamara

As stated yesterday, this week's Fun Friend Friday has a twist.  The twist is that I'm writing it.  Sorry if that's disappointing ;)

I'd like to introduce you to my friend 'til the end, Tamara!  We had no idea that fateful day in the second grade when mean Mrs. Pettigrew sat me next to her that the friendship would last forever, but last it has.  Through a public vomiting experience [I was the vomiter] and an awkward junior high love/hate relationship, to Art class companions in high school and spots in each other's weddings.  And now I get to see her AT LEAST once a year because she and her hubs are obsessed with Disney World and we happen to be able to get to Disney World fairly easily :)  It works out nicely.  

Anywho....she has started an Etsy store called Two, Four, Five Designs!  And about a month ago, which would be about a month after the miscarriage, I got a package in the mail from her with a card that said something like, "I know the past several weeks haven't been very fun so here's a little goody box to make you smile."  [When I told my mom this, it melted her heart, too.]  

And smile.I.did.  Because when I opened that box, mine eyes beheld... 

Did you ever see so much fun-ness via fabric and stitches in all your life?!  And she made all of it!  So cool, right??? 

My Magnificent LOVES this owl shirt.  She asks for it every time I open her drawer by saying, "Hooo, hooo??"  Most of the time I have to tell her it's dirty because she's already worn it and this mama only does laundry once a week.  

When you live in Louisiana, fleur de lis are a dime a dozen.  When you live in any other state, they are unique and interesting and a mark of where I come from, darn it.  So I was more than thrilled to find this dish towel bearing the emblem of my homeland...with SUCH the cute fabric.  And those other two?  Let's just say Fall and Winter are gonna bring a little more fun to my kitchen :)

And then there's this baby.  This hold-everything-I-own-and-look-cute-while-doing-it piece of heaven.  I love it. Love, love it.  It has been appointed my summer purse...and where I come from summer lasts a lot longer than three months.  In this instance we are glad about that.

And although my camera focused on the wrong part, you can see the three pockets that will hold their own hosts of goodies.  Please disregard the raging mess that is the inside of my purse.

I almost forgot to show you these bad boys!!  Aren't they cute as cute can be?  They hold my lip gloss, extra snacks in case need-food-Emily-without-Jesus starts to rear her ugly head, and pens and other loose goodies that usually end up at the bottom of a bag with all the crumbs and junk.

I like 'em a lot.  Heck, I like it all a lot!  So, if you love these goodies as much as I do, head on over to Two, Four, Five Designs and find something you like.  Not all of the items displayed here are available yet.  Friends since the second grade has its perks :)  And if you want to learn more about my pal Tamara and all of her quirky fun-ness [FYI: in my book quirky is a very big compliment reserved only for the elite of my friends], head on over to her blog The Ins and Outs of our Life Together.


  1. Oh My Goodness!!! I NEED some of this stuff for Parker Ann! So stinkin' cute.

  2. Cute, cute, cute! I've been doing lots of applique and embroidering lately so these are giving me some fun ideas!
    - Aurelia


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