Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mayhave Monday: On a Wednesday

I may or may not have closed my eyes [briefly and periodically] and raised my hand [halfway and on the side] last night while running to the tunes of Avalon's Can't Live a Day Without You.  True life.  It's The Hunk's playlist that I actually teased him about...his taste in music is slightly less exciting than mine [in my opinion] which he said that he likes to worship while he runs.  This wasn't a polish-your-halo comment.  It was just honest.  And then what happened?  I found myself worshiping away to his less exciting music and TO-tally pumped by it.  I was running my face off and so grateful to remember how strongly I believe the lyrics of that song.

God is reminding every day to bring my worries and troubles to Him.  And that He is in control.

Don't fret or worry.  Instead of worrying, pray.  Let the petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns.  Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will settle you down.  It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.  Philippians 4:6-7 [MSG]

So when I worry about whether or not I'm a good enough mama or if our house will ever feel like home to me or when I'll get to see my family again or how I'll ever get it all done or if our family will ever be more than the three of us.  The best and only thing to do is tell God about it.  And [this is equally if not more important] praise Him for who He is.  I have to be intentional about it because lots of times I forget to speak directly to God as soon as worry enters my heart.  I think about Him and how I wish He would do this or that but I often forget to speak directly TO Him.  But in speaking directly TO Him I am acknowledging that He is the only one who can do a darn thing about my worries.  He's the only one who can bring peace.

It's also most helpful to sing your face off to Him in fits of unashamed praise.  This establishes right order in our lives...pulls our attention away from the sea of worries we find ourselves drowning in.  It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry in your life!

Keep on keepin' it down and dirty.  Love y'all like crazy!

Link up and give some truth from your own life!

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