Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Great, Full Weekend

Friday.  We basked in the sun.  Played in the sand.  And Miss M did some major fear overcomin'.  And we left the camera at home so we could be all caught up in the moment instead of worrying about catching it on film...errr, memory card?  And we had a smorgasbord of sorts with our fun neighbor friends.  Who says Italian and down home cookin' aren't a good match?!

Saturday.  We played in the dirt.  A lot.  And took one more step toward makin' this house our home.  I completed Day 4 of my Couch to 5K commitment in the midday sun.  I'm bakin' like a toasted cheeser!  The Hunk washed the cars and completed yet another woodworking project that I'm sure he'll tell you all about on his site.  And while he and Miss M head off to church tonight, I'll be attending a much needed girls night out.  TO-tally pumped!

It's been such a great, full weekend.  I just wanted to tell y'all about it because you should know that I have really good days, too ;)

Talk atcha on Monday!  You should prolly get your Mayhave Monday post read because it's returning in full force on its proper day this week :)  Love y'all like crazy!


  1. You had me confused for a second, but that link is not to your Josh Blackwell's site. Not that Josh's carpentry skills aren't artistic, but this guy's work is a tad different. Even for me, the art history major.

  2. bahahahaha! thanks,'s fixed now :)


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