Sunday, May 22, 2011

More Good Days

Another weekend of fullness.  There is nothing sweeter.

Marry Poppins, pizza, chocolate chip cookies, and tickle fights.

A family bike ride to the blessed Panera, projects completed, and Indian food with friends.

Breakfast and community with sweet gals, [more] projects completed, and family shopping time.

The coming together or our faith family for worship in a building and then worship in Creation as more of our Father's children declare their life giving to Him.

And it was all wrapped up in an increased awareness of - a deeper belief in - His all-knowing, all-powerful, all-part-of-the-plan ways.  If you want to tumble head long into such an awareness, just take a stop in either Isaiah or Revelation.  Or both!

We're content to linger in the path sign-posted with your decisions.  Who you are and what you've done are all we'll ever want.

...because everything we've done, you've done for us.

Holy, holy, holy is God our Most, Sovereign-Strong, the Was, the Is, the Coming.

Worthy, O Master!  Yes, our God!  Take the glory! the honor! the power!  You created it all; it was created because you wanted it.

...look, the Lion of Judah has conquered...

The slain Lamb is worthy!  Take the power, the wealth, the wisdom, the strength!  Take the honor, the glory, the blessing!  Then I heard every creature in Heaven and earth, in underworld and sea, join in, all voices in all places, singing:

To the One on the Throne!  To the Lamb!  The blessing, the honor, the glory, the strength, for age after age after age.


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