Saturday, June 4, 2011

I Shall Return!

Sorry for the slow posts this week.  I know you are all tragically disappointed [insert eye roll].  I've had a nasty cold-ridden toddler on my hands, which leaves very little time or energy for fun post writing.  We've established this before though, right?

I do have a few things toppling around in the ole' noggin.  Some recipes that MUST be shared.  Some tips for making your house feel more homey.  AND some book reviews! Because do you know what's good to do when you're snuggling with your sweet sick baby, wearing snot all over every article of clothing, and watching Curios George 2 for the THIRD time in one day??  Catch up on your reading, that's what.  At first Miss Magnificent did not appreciate my not actively enjoying George's grunting with her, but when she realized that my will would outlast hers and in the meantime she was missing the best George grunts, she threw in the towel.


Sooo...I'll be back next week in full force!  Sleep easy tonight, friends [insert another, more exaggerated eye roll].

Love y'all like crazy!  Enjoy the rest of your weekend!    


  1. You say eye rolls as if I don't keep checking the sight for a new blog... Now I'm on a cliffhanger! Good one, lady! :)

  2. i'm really excited to read your book reviews AND how to make the home home-ier? because goodness knows my house is (still) filled with boxes and small attempts at making it homey. so, like michal lynn...i will too be checking back! :)


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