Saturday, October 5, 2013


Because it's the weekend and we all need a little breather from the intense stuff, I think it's time to say:

I may or may not have...

1. Jammed hard to this on my N'Sync Pandora station during a late evening Walgreen's run.

2. While in Louisiana, upon entering a very upscale, can't afford a blasted thing in this treasure trove of my dreams boutique, had this interchange with my sister:

Molly: Do you ever wonder if they're thinking, "What are they doing in here? They drove up in a Corolla."

Me: Yes, but I feel like they're thinking, "Oh my gosh - she doesn't even have earrings on."

We recognize that this is passing judgement on so many levels and is incredibly shallow, and it was mostly just a joke. Mostly. It's just that a Corolla looks really simple next to a row of gleaming Escalades and Lexus SUV's.

3. Yesterday as I dove into October's issue, felt every bit as excited about Southern Letter from the Editor as I did the unbelievable Arkansas cottage. M. Lindsay Bierman, you speak my language.

4. Thought of Jessica Day as my bangs muse last night as I readied for my date.

5. Because it's Fall and Fall makes me want to bake like a fool, felt the urge to bake chocolate chip cookies yesterday even though we have Pumpkin Pound Cake and a host of packaged sweets [it being Pastor Appreciation Week and all]. I resisted the urge.


Want to have a go? It's really fun. Quirky truth that a lot of people probably don't know about you!

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